Privacy Policy

TILCKS TECHNOLOGY PRIVATE LIMITED, a private limited company with its registered office at India, owns and operates the Knightleague (the "Mobile Application" and together with the Website, the "Platform") as well as the website (the "Website"). Knightleague provides a virtual trading game (the "Game") through the Platform where Users (as defined below) can buy and sell virtual stocks linked to actual cricket players.

Our Terms and Conditions (the "Terms"), which apply to the Platform and are available at, include this Privacy Policy (the "Policy").

Any individual who accesses or uses the Platform is referred to as a "User" for the purposes of this Policy whenever the situation so requires. Knightleague, its employees, and any authorized agents who provide services on Knightleague's behalf in connection with the Platform are collectively referred to as "We," "Us," or "Our." Capitalized terms that aren't otherwise defined here will have the same meanings as they have in the Terms.

You are presumed to have read, understood, accepted, and agreed to this Policy if you access or use the Platform, or if you use any content or information made available through the Platform. You agree to share Sensitive Personal Data and Other Personal Information (as defined below) (collectively "Data") and are aware of the reason for sharing such information by explicitly accepting the Terms and this Policy on the registration page. If you do not want to provide Knightleague with the necessary personal information requested at the time of registration, do not create an account. Information in the mandatory fields must be filled out before the registration process can be finished. For You to access some areas of the Game, we might need to know a few more personal details.


Knightleague respects Your right to privacy and guarantees that any information you supply to Knightleague will be secure and handled in accordance with this Policy and any relevant legal requirements. You might need to give Us specific information in order to use the platform's services. The process Knightleague use to collect, use, store, share, disclose, and handle User Data is outlined in this Policy. In order to validate user accounts, maintain user accounts, complete user transactions, and make it easier for users to use and access the Platform, Knightleague exclusively gathers, saves, uses, shares, and manages users' data.


The following categories of personal data or information are included in the user's personal data:

Passwords for User Accounts and financial details like bank account numbers, bank names, branch addresses, IFSC codes, account holders' names, copies of bank statements, check designs bearing the user's name, and credit card or other payment instrument information are examples of sensitive personal data.

Other Personal Information: such as name, date of birth, phone number, mobile number, postal/contact address, PAN details, copies of photo IDs and licenses for proving your address, such as a driver's license or voter ID, IP address of your computer or device, browser type and language, mobile operating system type, the date and time you accessed the Platform, and/or any other social media account that may be connected to your Platform Account, as well as your photo for test purposes.


All Platform Users agree that the use of Data for the purposes outlined in this Policy is acceptable. We only permit access to those who require access in order to handle information on our behalf, which includes only those of Our employees, contractors, and agents.

Users have the right to revoke their consent for the use of their data by sending a particular request via email. Any right to use the services offered by Knightleague on the Platform may be immediately revoked if consent is withdrawn with regard to all or any portion of the Data. Withdrawing consent will not limit Knightleague's ability to utilize other personal information for user data analysis, provided that the other personal information is not used to identify any specific users directly.


A cookie is a little text file used to identify Your browser specifically. You are aware that cookies may be stored on Your devices after visiting the Platform. The Knightleague servers' assigned cookies may be used to tailor Your experience on the Platform. Cookies may also be used for security, data analysis, game management, and authentication. When You click on any of the adverts that may be presented on the Platform, Knightleague's advertisers may additionally assign cookies, in which case Knightleague has no control over those cookies.


You agree to receive communications from Knightleague, entities specifically approved by Knightleague, and other Users through such Communication Channels when you register with Knightleague and enter your mobile number, email address, and social media handle details ("Communication Channels"). You also agree and recognize that Knightleague will communicate with the person you suggest via Our referral program on your behalf, and that the email headers will include Your email address as the source of such emails.


Your personal information will be protected and kept private, with the exception of situations when disclosure is mandated or allowed by law.

We implement the necessary security precautions to guard against unauthorized access to, as well as unlawful data change, disclosure, or destruction. Our data collection, storage, and processing procedures, as well as security measures, like physical security and encryption, are regularly evaluated within Our systems to prevent unauthorized access. Knightleague has adopted managerial, technical, operational, and physical security control methods for the protection of Data in its extensive information security program and information security policies.

Knightleague uses a variety of information security tools, such as firewalls, to keep information in a secure manner. But, security is never absolute and Knightleague cannot vouch for the impenetrability of its security measures. Data transmission over the internet is inherently vulnerable to security concerns. For example, data sent over chat or email may be compromised and exploited by third parties. Because of this, Knightleague cannot ensure the security of such information while it is being transmitted over the internet infrastructure or for any unauthorized disclosures made by Users using the Platform's services.

Your Account is secured when you register with Knightleague using login information, which includes a username and a password that is unique to You. Thus, you should refrain from disclosing your personal information to anyone. Doing so is against this policy and, in some circumstances, can lead to the closure of your account. It is your responsibility to report Knightleague right once if you become aware of or have a good reason to suspect any security breach, including the compromise of Your login information.


There may be links on the Platform to other websites or programs. Knightleague has no control over such websites or applications; they are regulated by their own privacy rules. When You click on a link outside the Platform, it is Your obligation to read and comprehend the privacy policies of such websites/applications. Knightleague shall not be liable for such information submitted by You on/with third party websites/applications. You are urged to use caution when disclosing any personal information to any third party that advertises on the Platform.

Knightleague does not disclose any personally identifiable information to anyone except advertisers, vendors, service providers, and sponsors Knightleague. For the sake of market research and advertising, Knightleague periodically analyzes and surveys the traffic to the Platform. Knightleague has the right to occasionally hire additional market research and advertising agencies or businesses for the aforementioned purposes, and to share Your registration information with them. In order to enhance its services, Knightleague may additionally use cumulative non-personal information for auditing and analysis.


If the sharing of such information is required, Knightleague may share Data:

  • (a) To adhere to legal requirements or official requests;
  • (b) To uphold this Policy's provisions and the Terms and Conditions;
  • (c) To stop fraud, money laundering, or any other unlawful activity;
  • (d) In relation to information security issues, or
  • (e) To uphold Your rights, Knightleague's rights, and public rights.


Your private information could be kept and used indefinitely up until:

  • (i)The pertinent goals for the use of Your data outlined in this Policy no longer apply; and
  • (ii) Your personal information is no longer necessary for the establishment, exercise, or defense of any legal claim and its preservation is no longer required by applicable law, rules, contractual requirements, or legitimate business purposes.


Your Personal Information might be transferred if the Platform were to change hands or under new management. Knightleague will let you know your options should you decide not to allow the transfer if it means a major change in how Your information is used.


This Privacy Statement may be updated periodically to reflect changes in our business practices or for other operational, legal, or regulatory reasons. The updated Privacy Policy will be posted on our website, and the "Last Updated" date at the top of the document will indicate the date of the most recent revisions. Periodically reviewing this Privacy Policy will keep you informed of how we collect, use, and protect your information.


Please contact us at if you have any queries or concerns about this Privacy Statement or our data practices.

You acknowledge and consent to the terms and procedures detailed in this Privacy Statement by using Knightleague.