Terms & Conditions


The website knightleague.in (the "Website") and the mobile application "Knightleague" (the "Mobile Application" and together with the Website, the "Platform") are owned and operated by TILCKS TECHNOLOGY PRIVATE LIMITED, company with its registered office at India Knightleague.

Any person who accesses or uses the Platform is referred to in these Terms and Conditions of Use ("Terms") as "You," "Your," "Yourself," "Their," or "User," depending on the context. Knightleague, its employees, and any authorized agents who provide services on Knightleague's behalf in connection with the Platform are collectively referred to as "We," "Us," or "Our."

You will be believed to have read, understood, accepted, and agreed to the following by accessing or using the Platform in any way, or by utilizing any content or information made available through the Platform: The Knightleague's rules, which are made available through the Platform, can be found at knightleague.in. Additionally, the collection, use, disclosure, and other handling of information must follow the guidelines outlined in Our Privacy Policy, which can be found at knightleague.in. The Terms and any other terms and conditions that may be particularly applicable to such Promotions will govern any special promotions pertaining to the Knightleague ("Promotions") that Knightleague organizes or runs on the Platform. The extra terms and conditions shall take precedence over these Terms to the extent that they conflict with them.

At any time, we retain the right to modify these Terms. If the Terms change, We are not obligated to tell You, whether you are a registered User or not. Any such changes take effect right away after being posted on the platform. You alone, as between Knightleague and You, shall be responsible for reading and familiarizing yourself with any such adjustments. We may also, at Our sole discretion, contact you via the registered email address connected to Your Account to inform you of such adjustments (defined below). You are deemed to have accepted the Terms as updated if You use the Platform following any modification to the Terms. You should frequently check the Platform to see the most recent Terms. Prior to any continued use of the Platform, We may occasionally notify You that You must give Your permission to the amended Terms in a certain way. After that, you can use the choices listed in the notification to reject the updated Terms. You will be regarded to have agreed to the amended Terms if You do not exercise such alternatives within the time range outlined in the notification. We might potentially publish additional terms that apply to the Platform. In this case, the Terms and any additional agreements that the Platform may be subject to will govern Your use of the Platform.

We reserve the right, in Our sole discretion, to (i) restrict, suspend, or terminate any User's access to all or any portion of the Platform; (ii) modify, suspend, or discontinue all or any portion of the Platform; (iii) reject, move, or remove any content that a User may submit; (iv) move, or remove any content that is already available on the Platform; (v) deactivate or delete an Account and all associated data and files on the account; and (post intimation of such assignment to all Users at Their registered email ids).

Knightleague may, in its sole discretion, and without prior notice to any User, restrict, suspend, or terminate that User's access to all or any portion of the Platform or the Knightleague, deactivate or delete that User's Account and all associated information, and remove any posted content if any User violates these Terms or Knightleague has reason to believe that that User has violated them.


You must reside in India and be 18 years of age or older in order to access the Platform and take part in the Knightleague. If you live in any Indian state where taking part in, organizing, or conducting the Knightleague is prohibited, including but not limited to Odisha, Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Telangana, Assam, Sikkim, and Nagaland("Excluded States"), you are not permitted to participate in Knightleague games.


The information you give to Us should be accurate and complete, whether it's during the registration process or at any other time.

By accepting this document, You attest that You do not reside in one of the Excluded States and that You will not, in the present or in the future, access the Platform or take part in games from locations other than India or from the Excluded States. Knightleague maintains the right, at any time and in Our sole discretion, to impose restrictions on anyone's access to and participation in the games.

You certify that you possess the knowledge and abilities necessary to take part in the Knightleague and that you are free from any medical or mental conditions that would limit your capacity to do so. You additionally understand that You alone are accountable for any consequences arising from Your involvement in, affiliation with, or proximity to the Knightleague. You are aware that by playing in the Knightleague, Knightleague disclaims all duty and obligation for any financial losses you may experience.

You recognise and acknowledge that all content that You post, send, upload, or otherwise make public is strictly your responsibility. The material that you publish must be legally yours or be under license to you. By posting any content on the Platform, You agree to give us a royalty-free, non-exclusive, transferable, perpetual right to use, copy, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, edit, translate, create derivative works from, transmit, distribute, publicly display, and publicly perform Your content, as well as the right to use it in any associated marketing materials we or Our affiliates create. Without limitation, such content might contain things like your name, username, location, messages, gender, or images. You are aware that any work that incorporates Your content does not provide You any legal or equitable rights. You further concur and recognise that Knightleague is free to use any communications or feedback you send in any way.

You acknowledge and agree that Knightleague maintains the right to record any and all User material created through the Platform, including but not limited to chat messages or other interactive features, should any be made available by Knightleague.

You acknowledge and agree that by accessing or using the Platform, participating in the Knightleague, or using its communication tools, you may be exposed to user-posted content that you may find objectionable, offensive, or indecent. You can alert Us to any user-posted material that you find offensive, distasteful, or indecent, and We reserve the right to take any action We see fit. The choice We make in this matter will be final and enforceable against You.

You agree to receive communications from Knightleague or any of its partners, licensors, or affiliates, such as announcements, administrative messages, and advertisements.


You must register and make an account on the Platform ("Account") in order to take part in the Knightleague.

You signify your agreement to these Terms by completing the registration process.

You will be asked for information during the registration process, including your name, email address, and mobile number. More personal information may be requested from you in order to verify your account and/or make purchases of Knightleague Coins (as defined below) through your account. Any fields requesting Your personal information, including but not limited to Your name, postal address, PAN details, email address, bank account data, telephone number(s), etc., must be filled out accurately by You. You promise to keep this information current and to update it as necessary.

You agree that in the event that You fail to provide additional documentary proof as requested by Us to confirm the accuracy of this information, We reserve the right to suspend or terminate Your registration on the Platform.

You should be as true and comprehensive as possible when providing any information to Us. We are not required to confirm or cross-check the information you submit, and We will not be held accountable for any results or repercussions if You give us inaccurate information or withhold any crucial information from us.

You are aware that it is Your duty to keep the data you give on the platform secure, including but not limited to Your username, password, email address, bank account information or other financial details, contact information, and cellphone number. The password for your account's login, which must be typed only once, won't be questioned by Knightleague. You must never ever divulge any information about Your Account to another User who is logged in on the Platform or elsewhere else. You agree that you won't sign in and then permit anyone else to use your account to play. You realize and acknowledge that We will not be liable for any information that You supply to anyone that could disclose or be used inappropriately by someone else. You are aware that You must log out of every one of Your Accounts at the conclusion of each session, and We will not be held liable for any resulting loss or damage.

By adding our emails to your "safe sender" list, you consent to receiving all correspondence from Knightleague. You acknowledge that We won't be held responsible if an email you get ends up in your garbage or spam bin and goes unread.

You acknowledge that you will only use Your Account to play on the Platform and to complete any transactions you may be required to complete in order to watch the Knightleague. We retain the right to periodically check Your identification evidence and address proof and to remove any Knightleague wallet money from your account if any discrepancies are found.

You must provide your Permanent Account Number (PAN), which was properly issued to you by the income tax authorities, as well as any other pertinent documents that may be necessary to verify your identification as a legitimate Indian tax resident, for the purpose of identity verification.


You undertake that You Personally will play on the Knightleague using the Account which You have registered, and You shall not utilize any type of external help to participate in the Knightleague. You may not add unauthorized components, create or use cheats, exploits, bots, hacks or any other third-party software designed to change the Platform or use any third-party software that gathers information from or through the Platform or through the Knightleague. Any effort to hire any such external aid is strictly prohibited. Collusion between You and any other User(s) for participation in the Knightleague organized on the Platform or any other type of fraud or cheating is strictly banned.

When collusion or cheating is detected, Knightleague shall take appropriate action against offending Users, which may include Your disqualification from the Knightleague and forfeiture of Knightleague balance in the Account and may extend to the termination of Your Account and legal action as deemed necessary by Knightleague, based upon the gravity and time-frame of Your fraudulent or mala fide conduct.

Registration across the Platform is restricted to a single Account, which will be used by You to enter the Knightleague. You are forbidden from establishing or utilizing multiple Accounts across the Platform for participation in Knightleague.

You may not create a login name or password or upload, distribute, transmit, publish, download, advertise, engage or post content through or on the Platform or through any service or facility including any messaging facility provided by the Platform which:

  • Is libelous, defamatory, obscene, intimidating, invading of privacy, abusive, illegal, harassing;
  • Contains expressions of hatred, hurting religious sentiments, racial discrimination or pornography;
  • Is otherwise disagreeable or undesirable (whether or not unlawful);
  • Would constitute encouragement to commit a criminal offense;
  • Violates the rights of any person;
  • Is intended to elicit donations or other forms of assistance;
  • Violates a person's intellectual property;
  • Disparages Knightleague or any of its affiliates, subsidiaries, licensors, partners, sponsors, goods, services, or websites in any way;
  • Encourages the use of a rival service or product; or
  • Any laws are broken.

If we decide that the login name you chose is offensive, disagreeable, or otherwise undesirable, we will let you know and you must promptly give us a different login name so that we can replace your current login name with the one you have given. We have the right to permanently suspend Your Account if You don't offer a backup name.

Regardless of the technique utilized, such as protocol emulation, reverse engineering, or modification of the Platform or any files that are part of the Platform, you are not permitted to host, intercept, imitate, or reroute proprietary communication protocols used by the Platform, if any.

You are not allowed to change or modify any of the Platform's content, remove any proprietary notices or labels, or cover them up in any way.

Users' usage of the Platform is not for your advantage, and you are not permitted to sublicense or otherwise use any Knightleague or service provided through the Platform for your own commercial gain.

You may not upload, distribute, or publish through the Platform any content that might be infected with viruses or other computer contaminants (as those terms are defined in the Information Technology Act of 2000 or other applicable laws in India at the time), which could damage or disrupt any software, hardware, or other equipment that belongs to Us or that is used to deliver the services offered by Knightleague. Whether or not a virus, program, or piece of software is damaging to the Platform, you must not distribute it or submit it. Furthermore, You may not pretend to be someone else or another User, solicit a User for a password or other sensitive information, or harvest email addresses or other information.

It is strictly forbidden to engage in any type of fraudulent conduct, including attempting to use or actually using another person's credit cards, debit cards, net-banking usernames, passwords, authorization codes, prepaid cash cards, or mobile phones to make deposits into your account.

It is not permitted at all to use another user's account to access the Platform or attempt to do so.

You must not publish any content or comments on any publicly accessible media that, in Our sole judgment, is defamatory or harmful to Our business interests, even if such media is not owned or managed by Us. In addition to any other actions that We may take in accordance with the terms of this agreement, We reserve the right to delete any content or comments posted by You, as well as to prevent You from accessing any publicly accessible media that is under Our control or supervision, if We determine that it is defamatory or harmful to Our commercial interests.


All Platform Content must be used in accordance with the Terms and only for the purpose of using and accessing the Platform. You agree that Knightleague or Our licensors are the only owners of all ownership rights, copyright, and other intellectual property rights in the Content and that, unless otherwise specifically provided for in the Terms, You have no right, title, or other interest in any such things.

A personal, non-exclusive, non-assignable, and non-transferable license to use the Content is provided to you, and it may only be used to access and use the Platform. You are not permitted to sublicense, assign, transfer, rent, lease, or otherwise deal in any way with the whole of the license granted to you or the licensee's contained content. You are not permitted to use any of the Content on the Platform in any way other than as necessary to get access to or utilize the Platform. This includes transferring, copying, reproducing, distributing, exploiting, reverse engineering, disassembling, translating, decoding, or altering the Content.

Without Our permission, you are not permitted to connect to any part of the Platform. For your own personal use only, you are allowed to view information on, download, and print extracts from the platform. You are explicitly forbidden from using any downloaded materials for any commercial purpose unless you have first obtained Our written consent. No right, title, or interest in any downloaded materials or software is transferred to You by downloading.


Knightleague reserves the right to suspend or otherwise restrict Your access to Your Account, the Platform, and the ability to conduct transactions on the Platform while an investigation into a possible violation of the Terms, any other unauthorized use of Your Account, or a potential security breach of Your Account is underway. You must abide by and accept Our decision to suspend or restrict access to the Platform or any part thereof as We deem necessary.


(a) If Our investigation reveals a violation of any of the Terms or if We have a good faith conviction that Your continuing use of the Platform is injurious to Knightleague, our other users, or the public at large, We may, in Our sole discretion, take any or all of the following actions:

  • Restrict Users Suspected of Working Together or Cheating from Accessing or Using the Platform;
  • Permanently Suspend and Terminate Your Account on the Platform;
  • Demand Damages for Breach and Take Appropriate Civil Action to Recover Such Damages; and/or
  • Initiate Prosecution for Violations That Amount to Offenses Under The Law.
  • Additionally, We reserve the right to prevent You from registering on the Platform in the future if You violate this agreement materially.
  • Knightleague's choice about the course of action to be taken in response to a breach shall be final and binding on You.
  • Any action taken by Knightleague will not affect Our other legal or equitable rights and remedies.


Users must willingly access and utilize the Platform at their own risk. Under no circumstances will Knightleague be held responsible or liable for any loss or damage incurred by Users or any other person or entity while using the Platform (including playing the Knightleague) or as a result of suffering a loss or gain. This includes, but is not limited to, accidents, injuries, deaths, and property losses.

With connection to any transactions, gains, or losses on the Platform, Knightleague accepts no obligation, jointly or severally, for any errors or omissions made on its own behalf or on behalf of third parties.

To the fullest extent permitted by law, in exchange for Knightleague granting Users access to the Platform, Users waive and release Knightleague, its respective agents, directors, officers, business partners, group companies, sponsors, employees, or representatives from any and all rights or claims they may have for any injuries, accidents, or mishaps (whether known or unknown) or (whether anticipated or not).

In addition to the specific references to Knightleague's liability limitations elsewhere in the Terms, Knightleague is not responsible for any injury, loss, claim, loss of data, loss of income, loss of profit, loss of opportunity, loss of or damage to property, general damages, or any direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential, exemplary, or punitive damages of any kind. This applies regardless of the legal theory involved. You also undertake to hold Us, Our service providers, and our licensors harmless from any claims relating to such matters. Without limiting the generality of the aforementioned, You expressly acknowledge, agree, and accept that We shall have no liability to You for the following: the defamatory, objectionable, or illegal conduct of any other User of the Platform; any loss whatsoever resulting from the use, abuse, or misuse of Your Account or any feature on the Platform; any loss incurred in transmitting information from or to Us or from or to Our Platform by the internet or by other connecting media; any technical difficulties; or any other failures.


To the extent permitted by law and in exchange for being permitted to take part in the Knightleague, You hereby agree to indemnify, save and hold harmless, and defend Us from any claims, actions, suits, taxes, damages, injuries, and claims (to the extent of all benefits and awards, cost of litigation, disbursements, and reasonable attorney's fees that We may incur in connection therewith, including any direct, indirect, or consequential losses, any loss of profit, and loss of reputation).

Use, abuse, or misuse of Your Account on the Platform in any way; any disconnections, technical problems, system failures, defects, delays, interruptions, manipulated or improper data transmission, loss or corruption of data or communications; or anything that appears to be misleading, inaccurate, defamatory, threatening, obscene, or otherwise illegal whether posted by another User or not.

Users are solely liable for any repercussions that may result from their use of the Platform in violation of these Terms, other policies governing the Platform and Knightleague, or from their using the Platform while engaging in illegal activity. Additionally, Users agree to fully indemnify Knightleague and each of their officers, directors, employees, and agents in the event that such an incident occurs (including without limitation for cost of counsel, legal fees, etc.) for any loss or damage sustained by Knightleague as a result of the Users' actions.


For any complaints or problems you may have regarding Our Website, Platform, or the Knightleague, or to otherwise give Us with feedback regarding the same, please contact Us using the Contact Us tab on the website's home page. We might ask for more details about Your complaint or feedback, but any communication from Us shouldn't be interpreted as a promise, guarantee, or assurance that we'll look into, address, or otherwise address any complaint or feedback you've provided.


The laws of India must be applied in interpreting the Terms and Privacy Policy. The civil courts in India shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any dispute, conflict, or claim arising out of the Terms or Privacy Policy. Every dispute that is referred to arbitration as described herein must also exclusively be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts at Odisha, Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Telangana, Assam, Sikkim, and Nagaland for the purpose of granting interim or preliminary relief.